Jamie's Blog

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Give the gift of Nothing

Do you ever find yourself having to give a gift to someone who has everything? You know, the kind of person who buys anything he or she wants? And if they haven't already bought it, then the item is way out of your price range. So you end up getting them a gift card to someplace that you know they shop. Really a cop out gift because you can't figure out what to give them. You put it in a card and bring it to the party. You almost feel embarrassed about giving it to them. So you kind of slip it to them when no one is looking, or simply slide it in with the other gifts and hope he or she doesn't open it until later. Well, I want one of those has the perfect gift for you. Nothing. As you can see, nothing comes in a nice white package. The slogan even tells you that "less is more." Sounds like the perfect gift. Now at least he or she can laugh at your gift. Though I think I would also add a gift card.

Via OhGizmo: Absolutely, Positively Nothing

Purchase at I want one of those: Nothing

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  • lol, that's hilarious! But if you do need to just resort to a gift card for me, don't worry, I still like them.;-) - crt

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at May 10, 2007 11:52 AM  

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